

Available on 3/15/22.
Coming soon. It's the end of days for somebody.

the shockwave series


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Shockwave ebook Journal One - updated tagline (1)

Available 6-30-2020 on Amazon.

Evil alien monsters. High tech military action. An oddball special operations team with whom you will fall in love.

This is immersive science fiction adventure that will engage your imagination.

The world was in crisis even before the invasion. Humanity was polarized. Nations were crumbling, crushed by immense pressure. Pressure from within, pressure from without; civil wars and the clash of entire civilizations. Then the aliens invaded and changed everything. The world was in crisis even before the invasion. Humanity was polarized. Nations were crumbling, crushed by immense pressure. Pressure from within, pressure from without; civil wars and the clash of entire civilizations. Then the aliens invaded and changed everything.

The invaders have overwhelming technological superiority. But we are an unusual people, practiced in the art of war. We even hold a few technological advantages of our own.

The story centers around an elite special forces team with extreme force multiplying capabilities. The invasion is hard enough. But the insectoid alien monsters are only the vanguard of the horror to come. Join the team along the action packed and twisting road that leads to interstellar war.

The plotline runs deep within the series as conflict gives over to resolution, from the decidedly personal, to an ever expanding military conflict on a scale that is barely imaginable. The Universe is Broken. You can feel it. The Second Law of Thermodynamics tells the tale. Entropy. The Breaking creeps up on everyone. It’s everywhere. Even entropy can be defeated. Let’s turn the Universe upside down until we get the answer.

The series begins with the Battle for Earth and moves from there to the stars and beyond. It is a unique telling of the age-old conflict between good and evil, in the setting of an expanding war. In this story virtue does carry a gun. Sometimes. Well, it’s military sci-fi, so there are a lot of guns.

Explore the worlds and technologies envisioned by Hammer Trollkin in Shockwave. A little back-engineering of alien tech combined with human ingenuity makes for a fast-track to the stars and beyond. Too bad it has to involve warfare on a cosmic scale. This is fast paced science fiction with a twist of fantasy to spice it all up and the occasional philosophical jaunt activate the brain. It’s going to get real kinetic out there.

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Available 7-31-2020. Amazon and...

Shockwave is a Solar Command special operations unit with capabilities military planners had only dreamed about. The Battle for Earth continues even as interstellar war becomes a certainty.

It has been 7 years since humanity threw off the alien invaders. But the devil is coming in the form of an armada strike group from an interstellar empire. At least we know they’re coming. And the direction from which they will come. Will we be prepared for their arrival? After all, they have been traveling the stars for thousands of years; we have barely made it to the Oort cloud.

The technological race is on and humanity has made amazing strides. There are warships fitted with amazing new weapons. There are defenses in place at the edge of the Solar System; a huge defense station has been built in the Oort cloud. Will it be enough?

Our very own teleportation gate is under construction. It needs to be completed before the Empire strike group enters the Solar System. The race is on. The Empire leaders are evil but they aren’t stupid. And they are plenty angry that we messed up their tidy invasion plan. They will certainly have some surprises. Hopefully, we will have some surprises of our own for the Darkstar Empire.

Shockwave is needed in this fight. But the team is having troubles of their own. Will they be sufficient to the task?

Be ready for the final outcome as the Empire takes the interstellar war back to Earth. And we find the Universe is still broken, in so many ways.


Shockwave: Invasion is imaginative Sci-fi adventure with plenty of action, as the people of Earth are forced into interstellar war with an ancient galactic empire.

It has been 10 years since the first alien invasion. We thought they were the monsters rather than merely a preview of what was to come. The real monsters showed up a few years later.

It’s a wonder we’re still here. Reverse engineering all that advanced alien equipment opened whole new branches of science. That alien tech leap, together with our own achievements, gave us the means to travel between stars, and produce weapons of war to rival our enemy. Just as important, the first invasion united us as one people, with a noble purpose. And we have had enough!

It’s time to do some invading of our own and cut off the head of the snake. Or die trying.

Shockwave is a special forces team with unique capabilities; the tip of the spear in the escalating conflict that is moving toward a galactic scale.

Sad for us, the evidence is mounting that this present evil empire is only one more layer in a universe filled with dark powers intent on our destruction.

For those who might enjoy some spiritual content, there is a round of theological contemplation at the end of the book, in the interlude section, titled Songs of the King. Where might aliens fit in, within the concept of an immense fallen universe? That serpent-thing in the Garden came from somewhere. The section has a Christian basis immersed in a decidedly Sci-fi frame of reference.

NOTE: There may be scenes in the books that some could consider frightening or violent. VISIT and choose BOOK SCENES for some examples of potentially violent or frightening scenes.